Corporate video of GH CRANES & COMPONENTS in Poland
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Crane synchronisation by GH Cranes with the INCOTANDEM system.
Project carried out for Airbus subcontractor, Tunisia
A history of 20 years in Brazil
This video brings together the most important milestones of our time working in Brazil, but if you want to hear more anecdotes from our 20 years in the country of the "carioca", don´t miss the new issue of GH News.
Gantry&Semi-gantry cranes
The experience acquired since 1958 is why we are specialists in gantry and semi-gantry cranes.
In fact, we are European leaders in their design and manufacture with a large number and variety of applications.
At GH Cranes & Components we adapt to the customer’s needs. In this case, a bridge crane was needed for maintenance work on the top floor of the tower and at the same time it had to be able to raise and lower loads to the street quickly and effectively.
CERTEX industrial cranes
CERTEX industrial cranes largely consist of standard components, which means ready availability of spare parts. This, along with a large spare parts warehouse at GH Cranes & components, shortens delivery times. CERTEX industrial cranes provide flexibility and safety.